Get the Versele Laga Baby Chick Value Bundle, carefully designed by industry experts to provide vital essentials for your newborn chicks during their first four months.
This bundle ensures that your chickens and silkies will thrive with healthy feathers and overall well-being. Take advantage of our unbeatable offer and save while meeting all of your chicks' necessary requirements.
Perfect for chicks aged from newborn to 4 months, our Starting Bundle includes:
Chick Food for the first 4 months
Versele-Laga Show Chick Starter Crumbles 5KG
- Start with this for enhanced immunity and protection against Cocci.
Versele-Laga Chick Crumbles 5KG
- Use this next for transitioning to adult layer feed.
Versele-Laga Chick Grit 2.5 KG
- Supplements for optimal digestion and growth, preventing pasty butt and providing extra calcium